When the sources
are well known , in terms of Technical as well as
Financial capabilities then the Enquiry can be limited
to those certain vendors. Usually, in Public
procurements, certain limits are provided ,within
which if the estimate for the purchase falls then
Limited Tender Enquiry can be issued.
LTE may be adopted for higher value also , provided :
Requirement is urgent
Advertising the demand / open tendering may not be in
the public interest
Sources of supply are well known and possibility of
fresh source is remote
Competent authority approves
LTE copies are sent directly to the firms appearing as
the Registered / approved suppliers in purchasers firm
Sufficient time (prescribed minimum or more) is to be
allowed to the firms to prepare and send their offers
Late tenders (which are received after the closing time
for receipt of tenders) against the OTE are not
considered and opened for processing. They are ignored /