Purchasing dates back to its history sometimes in late
1890s. Purchasing was mainly used then as different
department except some railroad organizations.
during early 1900s purchasing was considered to be a
clerical work. During World War I and World War II
purchasing function increased due to the importance of
obtaining raw materials, supplies, and services needed
to keep the factories and mines operating.
During 1950s and 1960s purchasing continued to gain
stature as the techniques for performing the function
became more refined and as the number of trained
professionals increased but still purchasing agents were
basically order-placing clerical personnel serving in a
staff-support position. |
In the late 1960s and early 1970s, purchasing personnel
became more integrated with a materials system. As
materials became a part of strategic planning, the
importance of the purchasing department increased. |
In the 1970s the oil embargo and the shortage of almost
all basic raw materials brought much of business world's
focus to the purchasing arena. The advent of
just-in-time purchasing techniques in the 1980s, with
its emphasis on inventory control and supplier quality,
quantity, timing, and dependability, made purchasing a
cornerstone of competitive strategy. Various different
questions became the order of the day for a buyer like :
- Are we buying at right cost?
- Supplier is producing it at right quantity or not?
- Whether supplier Is producing the right product or not?
- Whether material will come at right time or not?
- Whether buyer is buying for the company or for personnel
During Early 1990s, Value Proposition in purchasing
increased. People realized that by letting purchaser
negotiate and ask for discount bring lots of cost
reduction. COST SAVINGS become a buzz word and ofcourse
control over the buying process remains one important
function of purchasing.
During Late 1990s the purchasing evolved
into strategic sourcing. Enterprise wide
process that continuously improves and
re-evaluates the purchasing activities of
a company. More emphasis on supplier data
base begun. Contracts were sourced for |
long term
basis to have better cost. Supplier relationship
building and supplier management started. In the past decade of 2000s Purchasing evolved from a
myopic view on cost to much broader terms. Some of the
new developments which are widely used now are:
- Assessment of a company's current spend (what is bought
- Assessment of the supply market (who offers what?) –LOW
- Procurement Technology Evolved - (SAP, ERP)
- Procurement Outsourcing Evolved - (P2P Model)
- Total cost analyses (how much does it cost to provide
those goods or services?) – TCO
- Identification of suitable suppliers. – SUPPLIER
- Development of a sourcing strategy (where to buy what
considering demand and supply situation, while
minimizing risk and costs) – ADVANCE STRATEGIC SOURCING
- Negotiation with suppliers (products, service levels,
prices, geographical coverage, etc.) – Data Mining and
- Implementation of new supply structure – Lean Purchasing
In future Purchasing will continue to evolve with more
focus on complete supply chain. Even purchasing at Tier
I and Tier II will be looked in much more minutely.
Suppliers will be key business partners driving new
technological breakthroughs to drive cost down. Also
Technology in Purchasing is evolving very fast and will
redefine the way we procure and source currently.
Purchasing is now recognized as a major function whose
importance is immense and amount of value it brings to
an organization is huge. |