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Global tender enquiry is a bigger domain version of the Open Tender in the sense that while Open tender is considered applicable within the country, Global tender has the world as its reach. It is adopted for cases where imported goods are also in view.

Procedure for issuing Global tender enquiry is similar to that of the OT but with much wider publicity and with more lead time for prospective tenderers to quote

Global Tendering System's  features :

Universal specification
Global publicity
Sufficient bidding time
Terms of delivery
International Commercial Terms (INCOTERMS) ,published by International Chambers of Commerce, Paris
Pre despatch inspection
Mode of payment
Dispute resolution mechanism
Quotation through agent (also applies to LTE & OT)
Quotation through Indian agent



Transparency in Public procurement
Acceptable Supplier / Offer
Single Tender Enquiry (STE)
Limited Tender Enquiry (LTE)
Open Tender Enquiry (OT)
Global Tender Enquiry (GT)
Procedure For Tender Evaluation
Reasonableness of Price
Contract Management