Limited Tender Enquiry (LTE)
What is LTE ?
This mode of selecting vendor/s refers to inviting
tenders from only a limited numbers of bidders. Since
tendering is limited to only a few bidders it is
presumed that the bidders are well known to the
purchaser for their capability etc.LTEs are issued in such a way that
sufficient competitive quotations
are received from the bidders.
Thus LTE is resorted to only when reliable
bidders ( manufacturers/ suppliers/ traders/
contractors ) are known. For this purpose, the
Purchasers maintains a list of 'approved' or registered
Thus the selection of a vendor for LTE is done by
the purchaser to ensure that :
the firms are financially and
technically sound
the past performance of the firms with regard to
quality ,price and
adherence to time schedule has been acceptable
the Supplier has successfully made
the last supply
How it is operated ?
An LTE is also an Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) , limited only to a few bidders.
Hence, all the documents that make an NIT ,such as
description of requirement, associated terms and
conditions , a fixed date and time for responding etc
are sent , called tender enquiry, to the bidders.
The enquiries are sent on the same day
and a date is mentioned ,clearly, for
opening it.
The original LTE papers are despatched through
registered post/ under
certificate of posting/ e-mail/ FAX/ Courier on the
address of the firm as
available in the records of the purchase department. |
Single Tender Enquiry (STE)
What is STE ? |
It refers to issuing Tender enquiry to only one firm i.e.
to single firm. It happens usually when :
The item concerned is manufactured by only one firm. It
is then called a Proprietary (Original Equipment
Manufacturers - OEM) Enquiry. Such Proprietary
items are purchased from their manufacturers only.
Sometimes , due to an arrangement with the dealers , a
firm may not like to respond directly to an enquiry. In
such situations LTEs can be issued to many dealers of
that firm for having competition for getting
better price.
The item concerned is manufactured by many firms but due
to certain specific reasons ,enquiry can be issued to
only one party. It usually happens in case of
retrofitting cases where the earlier material has been
supplied by the same firm and the needed
material is to be fitted in that only, for
example , spare parts of an equipment.
Normally, the proprietary items are purchased on
supplier's terms as the supplier knows that the buyer
depends on it only for meeting the requirement. This is
disadvantageous from buyer point of view. In fact, the
more are the vendors, the more is the competition and
the more are the chances of getting comparatively low
price , a situation that favours any buyer. |