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Choosing an E-Procurement package

With the recent proliferation of proven, commercial e-procurement applications, there’s no need to build your own. However, consider the following factors when choosing your own solution:


Does it support the full e-procurement cycle?

Does the application take advantage of your organization’s current Internet environment?

Does the e-procurement application provide ease of configurability and scalability?

How secure is the data going across the Internet?


Are catalog content-management services provided?

How easily will the e-procurement solution integrate with your existing back-office ERP or legacy systems? What support is provided to bring suppliers on board, as per the requirement of the situation ? Does system administration lend itself to adding and changing routine system information on users, bill-to and ship-to addresses, cost centers and organizational attributes, suppliers and related information?

Does it support extended business


services such as auctions, reverse auctions, and exchanges?

Does it support value-added services such as bill payment, logistics, and taxation?

Will the vendor provide regular updates and software support?